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West Helena DUI Defense Lawyer

Aggressively Protecting Your Right to Drive

Facing charges for driving under the influence can leave you in a panic. However scared you may feel, it is important that you do not plead guilty or answer questions from law enforcement until you have a West Helena DUI defense attorney present. At Stoner Law, we are familiar with drunk driving laws, including all criminal and punitive aspects or a case and the consequences that can affect your license. Our goal is to keep you out of jail and help protect your license.

To schedule an initial consultation, call our office at (870) 228-9792.

Penalties for DUI in Arkansas

The exact penalties for a DUI conviction depend on the nature of the alleged offense, such as if it was your first or a subsequent offense, whether anyone was harmed in the incident, and your blood alcohol content (BAC) at the time of the arrest. Because there are so many factors involved in these complex charges, it is important that you have strong legal defense on your side.

You could be facing the following penalties:

  • Administrative license suspension
  • Mandatory installation of an ignition interlock devices
  • Incarceration
  • Community service
  • Fines and legal or court fees
  • Alcohol or substance abuse counseling

Effective Defense Strategies for DUI Charges

Depending on the nature of the arrest, there are a number of ways that we may be able to fight your drunk driving charge. For example, standing up against unconstitutional traffic stops or field sobriety tests. If you are looking for a tough and aggressive West Helena DUI lawyer, you have come to the right place.

Do not hesitate to reach out to our firm to schedule a consultation to learn more about how we can help.

Turn to a Proven & Qualified Attorney

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